I chose to photograph license plates for polar opposites. I had already discovered a certain plate that was very old and rustic for my texture assignment. After that, I knew I wanted to work a little more with the old license plate because I thought it was really cool. For my texture assignment I took a similar photo of the old plate but I wasn't completely satisfied with the composition and the way that I centered it. When polar opposites was assigned I immediately thought of the old license plate and how I could contrast it with a new one. These pictures are polar opposites in terms of old and new. It really shows how many years separate these two plates. One is extremely rusty and old and the other is spotless and clean. I like how they are the almost the same photo in terms of composition and cropping, but still so different. The two pictures put right next to each other really shows how opposite these two plates are. Many aspects of the two pictures can show how opposite they actually are. One example would be the texture. The texture of the first photo is bumpy, dented, and dusty while the second photo's texture is soft, smooth, and crisp. In this way, texture is a huge factor when contrasting two pictures. The way that something feels or at least look like it feels can differentiate the two pictures. Another aspect that shows how these are opposites is lighting. Even though I kept the same composition for the two pictures to make sure they still look somewhat the same and even, I made the ISO different to change the lighting for each picture. For the first picture I lowered the ISO so that the camera would really be able to see the texture of the picture. For the second photo I raised the ISO so that it would be brighter and the camera would whitten out all, if any blemishes there are. Therefore, the lighting contrasted the pictures even more.